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Miracle - Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding

نغمة رنين مجانية لهواتف iPhone و Android

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نغمات مماثلة:

Johnny you happy? (yes sir) Di-di-di-di-di Every drop of rain that falls Sahara desert if at all It's a miracle All God's creatures great and small The human race and the Taj Mahal that's a miracle Test tube babies being born Mothers, fathers da-ta-da it's a miracle We have a miracle on earth Mother nature does it all for us Wonders of this world go on Dead men hangin' on the Babylon The food we eat on the Captain's table Jimmy Hendrix and the Tower of Babel It's a miracle It's a miracle It's a miracle It's a miracle The one thing(the one thing) We're all waiting for (we're all waiting for) Is peace on earth (peace on earth) An end to war (end to war) It's a miracle we need The miracle (Miracle) We're all waiting for today If every prisoner could be free And lived in social harmony That's a miracle With all the flood and famine's solved We come together just for love That's a miracle If all Dictators take a stand To fight for love throughout the land It's a miracle We're living a miracle on earth Mother nature does it all for us Open hearts and surgery Hypno-psychotherapy Electric lights and satellite is out of sight, cosmology It's a miracle It's a miracle (yeah) It's a miracle We have a miracle on earth Mother nature does it all for us Open hearts and surgery With inner space technology The breath of spring on a winter's day The power of love to take the pain away It's a miracle(yeah, yeah) It's a miracle It's a miracle It's a miracle The one thing we're (the time will come) all waiting for(one day you'll see) Is peace on earth(where we can) An end to war(all be friends) It's a miracle we need today The miracle (oh yes) The miracle Peace on earth, an end to war today Today Today
Don't be upset or mad at all Don't feel regret or sad at all Hey, I'm still a part of the family Madrigal And I'm fine, I am totally fine I will stand on the side as you shine I'm not fine, I'm not fine I can't move the mountains I can't make the flowers bloom I can't take another night up in my room Waiting on a miracle I can't heal what's broken Can't control the morning rain or a hurricane Can't keep down the unspoken invisible pain Always waiting on a miracle, a miracle Always walking alone Always wanting for more Like I'm still at that door longing to shine Like all of you shine All I need is a change All I need is a chance All I know is I can't stay on the side Open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes I would move the mountains Make new trees and flowers grow Someone please just let me know, where do I go? I am waiting on a miracle, a miracle I would heal what's broken Show this family something new Who I am inside, so what can I do? I'm sick of waiting on a miracle, so here I go I am ready, come on, I'm ready I've been patient, and steadfast, and steady Bless me now as you blessed us all those years ago When you gave us a miracle Am I too late for a miracle?
You tell him what you want And, baby, he can find you Anything you need Tell him what you're needing Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh Come on, miracle aligner Go and get 'em tiger Get down on your knees Get down on your knees again Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh 50 feet tall and revved up too high All of our exchanges are by candle light I just realised He'll walk through the walls and creep up behind Make sense of the maze that you were stuck outside Cover your eyes Often the humble kind, but he can't deny He was born to blow your mind Or something along those lines Tonight Tell him what you want And, baby, he can find you Anything you need Tell him what you're needing Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh Come on, miracle aligner Go and get 'em tiger Get down on your knees Get down on your knees again Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh So what's the wish He'll make it come true Simple as a line out of a doo-wop tune He'll make the moves Often the humble kind, but he can't deny He was born to blow your mind Or something along those lines Tonight Tell him what you want And, baby, he can find you Anything you need Tell him what you're needing Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh Come on, miracle aligner Go and get 'em tiger Get down on your knees Get down on your knees again Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
There's a still tension in the swell Of dreamt debris afloat amidst the waves and then dispel Aimless thoughts and papers blown around A million moments meant remembered rest in deep dark sound Game the mess I'd like to know why you are all alone while I'm lost at sea Maybe we'll be there when you want Anchorless and unmoored set amiss Awake would only prove the fantasy made lucid sense Sail on, sail on I'd like to know why you are all alone while I'm lost at sea Maybe we'll be there when you want There's a still tension in the swell So given to the vast receiving emptiness of time Beyond, beyond I'd like to know why you are all alone while I You're unsure if I am A loose end or a strand That waits for you to mend or understand

المزيد من النغمات من Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding:

متكتف مهموم موجوع وضعيف وشجاع مليان أحلام وعشان مربوط مكسور وبكسر في المآديف وتفوت أيام وتمر سنين وانا حالي غريب انا مين انا مين مشدود في الساقية وعايش مبسوط وحزين ومحبط وجرئ ورزين مشدود في الساقية وعايش مبسوط وحزين ومحبط وجرئ ورزين على غفلة اتحول بركان جبار انا ضلمة وليل أنا نار ونهار متكتف مهموم موجوع وضعيف وشجاع مليان أحلام وعشان مربوط مكسور وبكسر في المآديف ماشي على طريق مكتوب مرسوم بس انا مسؤول وعليا اللوم ماقدرش أقول من الذنب برئ لا انا ابليس ولا هبقى رسول ماقدرش أقول من الذنب برئ لا انا ابليس ولا هبقى رسول قدامي طريق همشيه همشيه نفهم في الآخر كل ده لية متكتف مهموم موجوع وضعيف وشجاع مليان أحلام وعشان مربوط مكسور وبكسر في المآديف
فوسط زحمة وناس كتير وطريق أنا ماشي فيه عكس السير وسط الطموح والأمل والتمني فاضلي خطوة توصلني فوسط حاجات ومكيفات بحاول أنسى كل اللي فات في وسط صدري ضلعي مكسور ومن خلاله قلبي شايف نور أنا كنت فاكر اني طاير وأتاريني على وشي بقع أنا كنت فاكر إني هوصل لكني بهرب من الوجع أنا كنت فاكر اني طاير وأتاريني على وشي بقع أنا كنت فاكر إني هوصل لكني بهرب من الوجع فوسط الليل وأنا بعيد عن البشر شفت نور يشبه نور القمر بس القمر مسيره يفارق ويسيبني تاني مع الوحدة أحارب فوسط قصة حب يعني وهمية كان لازم أصدق اصل الوحدة قوية مش كل المشاعر حقيقية أنا شفت نور معرفتش اغمض عنيا أنا كنت فاكر اني طاير وأتاريني على وشي بقع أنا كنت فاكر إني هوصل لكني بهرب من الوجع أنا كنت فاكر اني طاير وأتاريني على وشي بقع أنا كنت فاكر إني هوصل لكني بهرب من الوجع

نغمات الرنين الأكثر بحثًا عن Dance:

It's getting late Why you gotta be beside me? Watching, needing, wanting me? I'm afraid, don't be I'm afraid, don't be I'm afraid, don't be I'm afraid, don't be I'm afraid Don't be, don't... Lila I know it's getting late, and I'm struggling to let go Although there's distance between us, there's no place I'd rather be I owe you some hospitality, and it comes so naturally Promise, I just need some more time If you can bear with me When last did we feel this close together? Chasing sunsets in California Don't make me wait, babe, it's been forever Don't take forever It's been forever Don't take forever It's been forever Trust me, I'm starting to realize And look beyond my fears Sun keeps on turning to twilight Baby, we don't have long I can't keep my hands off you All night, all my love You say it's getting too late Baby, don't be afraid When last did we feel this close together? Chasing sunsets in California Don't make me wait, babe, it's been forever Don't take forever It's been forever Don't take forever It's been forever Giddy up, girl, best I can do Go follow where the wind blows, mmm Sometimes, we all feel hollow My heart, girl, you can borrow, mmm Please don't make this all about you Please don't make this all about you Please don't make this all about you Please don't make this all about you

ضبط نغمة الرنين Miracle على هاتف Android:

1. حدد زر تنزيل نغمة الرنين أعلاه.
2. انتقل إلى تطبيق الإعدادات.
3. حدد الأصوات والاهتزاز.
4. حدد نغمة رنين الهاتف.
5. حدد نغمة الرنين من وحدة التخزين الداخلية.
6. انقر فوق الزر "تطبيق".
لذا، بعد بضع خطوات أساسية فقط، تكون قد نجحت في إنشاء نغمة الرنين الافتراضية على هاتفك الذي يعمل بنظام التشغيل Android مع أغاني البوب ​​التي تريدها.

قم بتعيين نغمة رنين Miracle لجهاز iPhone الخاص بك:

1. حدد زر تنزيل M4R لجهاز iPhone أعلاه واحفظه على جهاز الكمبيوتر أو جهاز Mac.
2. قم بتوصيل جهاز iPhone بجهاز الكمبيوتر أو جهاز Mac عبر كابل الشحن الخاص به.
3. قم بتشغيل iTunes واسحب ملف .m4r إلى مجلد النغمات (ضمن "على جهازي").
نأمل أن تسهل عليك أدلة تكوين نغمات الرنين لهواتف iPhone وAndroid استبدال الأصوات الافتراضية غير المثيرة للاهتمام على هاتفك بالأصوات المفضلة لديك.

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